PHAT 0.9.1
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- Average of 30.86% size reduction across application bundles.
- Honourable mentions: Pileup Alignment Viewer 83% smaller, Genome Builder 32% smaller
- ~10x performance improvement rendering non-interactive figures in the Genome Builder
- Initial user accessible segment BLASTing
141 Commits Since Last Release (0.8.1) (most recent last)
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #774 from chgibb/master Update Feature Branch
Chris Gibb: bumped version
Chris Gibb: started selected sequence action interface
Chris Gibb: Update
Chris Gibb: removed redundant check
Chris Gibb: Update
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #788 from chgibb/stable Backport Merges and Version
Chris Gibb: Merge branch ‘segmentSelection’ into master
Chris Gibb: added action buttons
Chris Gibb: added modal state flag
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #787 from chgibb/master Update Feature Branch
Chris Gibb: bumped version
Chris Gibb: stop requiring reference to a contig in order to BLAST
Chris Gibb: fixed spacing
Chris Gibb: transition modal onclick
Chris Gibb: reset modal states and rerender on dismiss
Chris Gibb: send update before logging
Chris Gibb: added props to IPC interface
Chris Gibb: register triggering and updates for BLAST operation
Chris Gibb: broadcast update regardless of reason
Chris Gibb: trigger BLAST onclick if we’re coming from BLAST modal
Chris Gibb: added packages
Chris Gibb: move collapsing into build, add babel name mangling as optimization step
Chris Gibb: initial incremental bundler
Chris Gibb: commented
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #789 from chgibb/segmentSelection Segment selection
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #790 from chgibb/master Update Feature Branch
Chris Gibb: added cache to gitignore
Chris Gibb: fixed imports for bundle script. Prelim integration into build step
Chris Gibb: fixed spacing
Chris Gibb: start reworking optimization
Chris Gibb: reintroduce mangling, minifcation and iife optimising
Chris Gibb: force node 8
Chris Gibb: stream progress
Chris Gibb: wrap stdout with readline to update console
Chris Gibb: allow specifying command with args. Specify bash to try to support cygwin
Chris Gibb: updated invocations for new system
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #791 from chgibb/incremental Incremental Build
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #792 from chgibb/master Update Feature Branch
Chris Gibb: delay exit after update
Chris Gibb: force start of selection to be 1
Chris Gibb: try to validate selection on updates
Chris Gibb: fixed arg type
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #793 from chgibb/master Performance Improvements
Chris Gibb: embed BLAST results in their corresponding alignment object
Chris Gibb: save results after blasting
Chris Gibb: show number of BLASTs run per alignment
Chris Gibb: fixed spacing
Chris Gibb: fleshed out skeleton for BLAST table, navigation
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #794 from chgibb/beta-staging Performance Improvements
Chris Gibb: Bumped to 0.8.2-beta.1
Chris Gibb: Update
Chris Gibb: wired up rest of BLAST props. Fixed date stamp
Chris Gibb: make the whole row clickable
Chris Gibb: load and store old build state in appropriate cache folder
Chris Gibb: render each BLASTed read in a single run
Chris Gibb: fixed genome builder crash opening figures
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #795 from chgibb/master Fix Crash in Current Beta
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #797 from chgibb/master Update Feature Branch
Chris Gibb: Merge branch ‘beta’ into beta-staging
Chris Gibb: updated package
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #796 from chgibb/beta-staging Fix Crash in Current Beta
Chris Gibb: Bumped to 0.8.2-beta.2
Chris Gibb: Update
Chris Gibb: updated function use
Chris Gibb: propogate identified fragments with read
Chris Gibb: attach fragments after querying
Chris Gibb: refactor away from single results store for blast results
Chris Gibb: account for no hits returned from BLAST
Chris Gibb: changed error reporting format
Chris Gibb: view BLASTed fragments
Chris Gibb: BLAST fragments against Human G+T if no hits are found against nt
Chris Gibb: start testing reBLASTed fragments
Chris Gibb: reset search number when reBLASTing
Chris Gibb: more fragment tests
Chris Gibb: more fragment tests
Chris Gibb: use cellhover for invoke button
Chris Gibb: include e-value in report
Chris Gibb: double fragment length cutoff
Chris Gibb: move sequence selection back into UI
Chris Gibb: resolve empty array if no reads were BLASTed
Chris Gibb: stop logging every read looked at
Chris Gibb: Apply –sensitive-local to new alignments
Chris Gibb: tighten params in promise
Chris Gibb: adjust values to accomodate –sensitive-local
Chris Gibb: hpv18 alignment has coverage with –sensitive-local. This should now succeed
Chris Gibb: Adjust for –sensitive-local
Chris Gibb: Adjust for –sensitive-local
Chris Gibb: move responsibility for checking seq length into process
Chris Gibb: trying to find small test cases
Chris Gibb: small BLAST test case
Chris Gibb: fixed identifying duplicates of the same read
Chris Gibb: stop testing for fake duplicates
Chris Gibb: small BLAST test case for L6R7
Chris Gibb: reduce logging
Chris Gibb: increase action delay
Chris Gibb: increase action delay
Chris Gibb: disallow starting BLASTs when other genome builder operations are running
Chris Gibb: dismiss modal after triggering BLAST
Chris Gibb: cleaned up and commented
Chris Gibb: cleaned up and commented
Chris Gibb: removed extraneous arguments
Chris Gibb: Merge branch ‘master’ into segmentSelection
Chris Gibb: use imported ts helpers from tslib. Add more babel optimization passes
Chris Gibb: removed artifact
Chris Gibb: separate out BLAST tests and only run them once per invoke
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #798 from chgibb/segmentSelection BLAST Segment
Chris Gibb: Merge branch ‘master’ into tsLib
Chris Gibb: Increased action delay
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #799 from chgibb/tsLib Bundle Size and CI Improvements
Chris Gibb: Merge branch ‘beta-staging’ into master
Chris Gibb: removed unused import
Chris Gibb: updated version
Chris Gibb: log main process erros in GUI tests
Chris Gibb: revert dynamic imports
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #800 from chgibb/master 0.9.0-beta.1
Chris Gibb: Merge branch ‘beta’ into beta-staging
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #801 from chgibb/beta-staging 0.9.0-beta.1
Chris Gibb: Bumped to 0.9.0-beta.1
Chris Gibb: Update
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #802 from chgibb/beta Backport Merge Commits and Version
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #803 from chgibb/master Update Feature Branch
Chris Gibb: updated version
Chris Gibb: place sequence end input before sequence start
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #804 from chgibb/segmentSelection Tweaks to Sequence Selection UI
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #806 from chgibb/master Tweaks to Sequence Selection UI
Chris Gibb: Bumped to 0.9.0-beta.2
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #807 from chgibb/beta-staging Tweaks to Sequence Selection UI
Chris Gibb: Bumped to 0.9.0-beta.3
Chris Gibb: Updated links
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #808 from chgibb/beta Backport Version
Chris Gibb: bumped version
Chris Gibb: bumped package version
Chris Gibb: use canvas commands instead of parsing SVG path string
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #810 from chgibb/canvas2 Optimizations to Non-Interactive Rendering
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #811 from chgibb/master Non-Interactive Figure Rendering Performance Improvements
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #812 from chgibb/beta-staging Non-Interactive Figure Rendering Performance Improvements
Chris Gibb: Bumped to 0.9.1-beta.1
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #814 from chgibb/beta Promote 0.9.1-beta.1 to Stable
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #815 from chgibb/stable-staging Promote 0.9.1-beta.1 to Stable
Chris Gibb: Bumped to 0.9.1