PHAT 0.1.3-beta.1
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Browse Source Code for This Release
- Refactored input window UI.
- Stop showing system notifications for all operations.
- Fix for #613
- Fix for #449
51 Commits Since Last Release (0.1.2-beta.1) (most recent last)
Chris Gibb: Added newline
Chris Gibb: renamed symbol
Chris Gibb: Manage both views in one div
Chris Gibb: Added shadows to hoverable elements
RobJackson28: added hyphen
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #612 from chgibb/RobJackson28-patch-7 added hyphen
Chris Gibb: added refseq button
Chris Gibb: Removed label
Chris Gibb: Removed browse button
Chris Gibb: Moved browse button into view and removed padding
Chris Gibb: removed import button
Chris Gibb: moved import button into view
Chris Gibb: removed overflow
Chris Gibb: Allow switching between tabs
Chris Gibb: renamed view and fixed rerendering on tab switch
Chris Gibb: stop trying to resize tables
Chris Gibb: removed header and padding
Chris Gibb: added browse button
Chris Gibb: added import button
RobJackson28: Condensed team member listing
Chris Gibb: moved button shadow into class
Chris Gibb: import module
Chris Gibb: differentiate between hoverable buttons and other elements which are hoverable but not buttons
Chris Gibb: removed import
Chris Gibb: removed import
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #614 from chgibb/RobJackson28-patch-8 Condensed team member listing
Chris Gibb: Broke browse dialog module into two
Chris Gibb: handlers for import buttons
Chris Gibb: Hide import button if no fastqs are inputted
Chris Gibb: hide import button when no ref seqs are inputted
Chris Gibb: Deleted file
Chris Gibb: Removed file
Chris Gibb: Renamed module and typed function
Chris Gibb: replaced all vars
Chris Gibb: typed function
Chris Gibb: typed function
Chris Gibb: renamed and typed module
Chris Gibb: removed module
Chris Gibb: removed module
Chris Gibb: removed module
Chris Gibb: renamed module
Chris Gibb: typed module
Chris Gibb: open ref seq tab as part of test
Chris Gibb: stop showing notifications for all operations
Chris Gibb: Merge branch ‘master’ into importAlignments
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #615 from chgibb/importAlignments Input UI Refactor, 613, 449
Chris Gibb: Merge branch ‘beta-staging’ into master
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #616 from chgibb/master Input UI Refactor, 613, 449
Chris Gibb: Merge branch ‘beta’ into beta-staging
Chris Gibb: Merge pull request #617 from chgibb/beta-staging Input UI Refactor, 613, 449
Chris Gibb: Bumped to 0.1.3-beta.1